Metapost: NaNoWriMo
by Luprand on Nov.02, 2011, under Metapost
I know, holy crap, it’s been like eight months since I’ve said anything, and even longer since the last review. I am like some kind of horrible person or something, especially since this update is mostly to let you all know that I’m participating in this year’s National Novel Writing Month*. If you feel like adding LoopTheLup as a writing buddy, feel free; if you want to take to the comments section and berate me for not writing more reviews, you may also feel free. I do apologize.
* I have never quite gotten used to the name “NaNoWriMo,” as it conjures up strange mental images of an infinitesimal fraction of a WriMo. If any of you happen to know what a WriMo is, please tell me.
November 3rd, 2011 on 12:07 AM
If a nanowrimo is 50,000 words, then clearly a wrimo is 50,000,000,000,000 words.
November 3rd, 2011 on 1:06 AM
I will occasionally participate in a nanoNaNoWriMo, in which I will spend a fraction of a second thinking about a phoneme.